Triple Helix (Demonstrate)
At the core of developing a social tech venture are three interlocking strands: developing the social, user and economic value.  Nominet Trust’s funding is to support you to develop these three values, testing your assertions and assumptions, and building confidence and evidence to persuade future investors, funders and purchasers of the value of your work.

‘Demonstrating the potential’ of this work requires you to have a clear understanding of who you are demonstrating to, and what sorts of evidence/argument they need to see.
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Project *
Who took part in this conversation? *
Start with NT team, then project team - separate names with commas
Social Value
Social Value is an important core of your and our work: it is the ambition to improve the lives of people and communities.  It is at the heart of Nominet Trust’s work as a social investor and at the heart of social businesses - it is often described as ‘the need’ for your work, the problem that you are trying to address.
Assertion (sv)
What is the social value of your work - the benefit that you are trying to create through your product or service? Often referred to as ‘intended outcomes'.
Measure (sv)
What do you need to see to demonstrate that value (how can you measure/demonstrate the potential for realising this social value)?  Who do you need to persuade with this measure (what would they need to see?) refer to
Learning and Developments (sv)
What have you learnt/can you evidence about the social value you can/have created?
Support Needs (sv)
What support would help you complete the key activities that you need to do this month to demonstrate social value?
User Value
User value is the core that ensures demand for your product or service.  Creating user value is about ensuring users choose to use your product/service, address a problem or need that they recognise and signifies demand for your approach.
Assertion (uv)
What is the customer problem or the user problem?  Why would a user choose to use your product or service?
Measure (uv)
What do you need to see to demonstrate that value (how can you measure/demonstrate the potential for realising this user value)?
Learning and Developments (uv)
What have you learnt/can you evidence about the user value you can/have created?
Support Needs (uv)
What support would help you complete the key activities that you need to do this month to demonstrate user value?
Financial Value
Financial value is the core that demonstrates you can create a sustainable venture.  This is about identifying and securing customers or future investors and builds from the sum of user and social value by identifying the specific value to them. How does it meet their needs?  Demonstrating the value proposition of your venture in a way in that creates economic value - a demand for your work from someone that will pay to help develop/sustain your work.
Assertion (fv)
What is the financial value of your work? Who are your customers, potential income sources? How can you finance the growth and sustainability of your product or service?
Measure (fv)
 How secure are these routes, what do you need to gather to convince future investors/customers or funders?
Learning and Developments (fv)
What have you learnt/can you evidence about your route to creating financial value?
Support needs (fv)
What support would help you complete the key activities that you need to do this month to demonstrate financial value?
Other Developments
The 2 other strands that are important in developing your social tech venture
Organisational Development
Any things of note from organisational development that contribute to the venture?
Technological Development
Any things of note from tech dev that contribute to the venture?
Funder plus spend
Do you have any funder plus needs - please fill them out here
Please tell us if any forms need to be sent out for completed work
Other Questions
Have you got any success stories / human interest stories for comms?
Beneficiaries/Potential Customers - can be ancedotal not necessary 'hard evidence'
Any details about interactions with the FFFG mentor
Anything for PM?
Anything for Comms?
Anything for DevRes?
Anything for Partnerships?
Notes anything not covered
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