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Start an TMM: IRL event near you...
Would you like a TMM IRL event near you?

We're actively looking to start hosting new locations and would love your suggestions. 

None of the below questions are mandatory, but we'd love a sense on where you think a TMM event could work well, as well as your suggestions for venues and any local sponsors.

Once you've submitted, we'll review and see whether there is a good fit! :)
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Your name
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Suggested location(s)
Are you able to help organise, or are you just suggesting the location?
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Let us know why you think it would be a good location, and if you said you would like to organise, why you would like to get involved! :)
TMM events usually partner with local businesses or venues to put on our events for free. Do you have anywhere in mind that would be able to host us locally?
Likewise, our events are sponsored, are there any local businesses you can think of who might be interested in getting involved?
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