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St. Ferdinand School 2023-24 Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in St. Ferdinand School! If you would like to register your child for the 2023-24 school year, or if you would like to receive more information about the school, please complete this form and a school representative will contact you shortly. If you would like more information, you may call the school office at (773) 622-3022. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
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Today's Date
Parent/Guardian Name(s)
Street Address
City, State and Zip Code
Student Information - Child 1
Child 1: Name
Child 1: 2023-24 Grade
What school does child currently attend?
Student Information - Child 2
Child 2: Name
Child 2: 2023-24 Grade
What school does child currently attend?
Student Information - Child 3
Child 3: Name
Child 3: 2023-24 Grade
What school does child currently attend?
Additional Information
How did you hear about St. Ferdinand School?
Would you be interested in a school tour or student shadow day?
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Do you have any additional questions?
Thank you!
We appreciate you completing this form. A school representative will be in touch soon.
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