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IAC Safety Issue Report Form
Use this form to report a safety issue related to IAC (the IA conference). The IAC Co-Chairs and their teams will review all reports and will work to quickly investigate and resolve any safety issues.
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Issue Context
Help us understand what type of issue occurred, how you were involved, and where it occurred.
Nature of this safety issue report: *
Were you: *
Where did the issue occur (check all that apply): *
Issue Timing
Help us understand when the issue occurred. If the issue was reoccurring, identify (approximate if need be) when it first occurred and use "Issue Description" to describe the nature of the reoccurrence(s).
When did the issue occur (date)? *
When, approximately, did the issue occur (your local time)?
What time zone are you in?
Issue Description
Please provide as much detail as possible. This will help the IAC Co-Chairs and officials to review and address the issue as efficiently as possible.

Describe the issue: *
May we contact you to discuss this issue? (If you change your mind, you can contact us using all of the methods listed on the DEIB/SAFETY PAGE.) *
If yes, please list the best way(s) to contact you (e.g., your email, phone number, Discord ID, etc.):
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