Freelance Developer Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Developer Network! is an invite-only platform to ensure that we provide the highest quality freelance developers. Please complete the following application form to be considered.
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Name *
Please enter your full name.
Email address *
Date of Birth *
Providing your birth year is sufficient; this information is used to determine your age.
Location *
Where are you located?
Spoken Languages *
Please list spoken languages that you are fluent in.
Personal Summary *
Please provide a brief personal description.
LinkedIn Profile
Please provide your LinkedIn profile, if available.
Github Repository
Please provide a link to your Github repository, if available.
Skills *
Describe your skill set (programming languages and software applications) and any experience you have working with blockchain technology.
Availability (hours per week) *
How many hours per week are you available for freelance work?
Years of experience *
How many years of experience do you have as a developer?
Professional References and/or Work Samples *
Please provide any professional references and/or samples of your work.
Hourly rate (in USD) *
Your desired hourly rate in USD (payments will be made in BTC)
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