Translating Team Application
Welcome to the application form for the Westminster School Translating Team!

This initiative was launched in the year 2013 in an attempt to provide guests who may not speak a certain language or may not be fond of one a great experience as they attend one of our assemblies. The project was greatly successful in both attempts and is thus continuing for years to come! It is just simple skyping while reading translated transcripts, but it needs to be done perfectly to ensure success.

Your tasks as a member of the translating team will include but may not be limited to:
-Translating all speeches or dialogues to be given on the event in the language required. (Mostly Arabic to English & vice versa) and compiling all the reading material you require.
-Conducting a simple set-up process and connecting iPads (provided on request) to skype and making a mock call to ensure it works.
-Trying the call once at least before the event to ensure functioning.
-Providing the guests with earphones or asking them to bring their own beforehand for hygiene issues.

More details will be provided to you upon getting the post.

Now, answer these questions for us!
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Name *
Let us know who you are!
Gender *
Email Address *
We'll be contacting you through email frequently!
Contact Number *
Just in case we need to give you a call!
Languages spoken *
Which of these languages do you speak?
Kindly send a copy of your CV to with "Translation Team" as the subject title for your application to be seriously considered!
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