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STEM Questionnaire
If you are interested in engaging with BostonTechMom for STEM planning services, please complete this free, no-obligation questionnaire. Your answers will help BostonTechMom determine whether we can help you and your child find potential programs that meet your criteria.
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Parent's first and last name *
Street address
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Your child’s name
Age *
Current year in school *
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Check all that apply.
What have you budgeted ($) to spend on STEM programs? This information is necessary to ensure the development of a realistic plan.
How much are you willing to spend per program? *
Do you have a preference for timing of participation? Check all that apply. *
Desired type of program. Check all that apply. *
What is your preference on the setting? Check all that apply. *
Desired type of learning style. Check all that apply.
What is the distance in miles you are willing to travel from your home address?
What are your child’s favorite classes/subjects in school?
Tell us about previous STEM programs and camps your child has attended outside of school, and what his or her experience was.
Tell us about specific STEM skills or experience your child has.
What subject matter are you looking for? Check all that apply. *
What are your goals and expectations for STEM programs? Please be specific.
Is there an area of expertise or skill your child is trying to acquire or improve?
Is there any additional information you want to share?
How did you hear about BostonTechMom?
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