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Welcome to Mint Gold Dust!
Thank you for applying Mint Gold Dust, we are looking forward to getting to know your art!

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First and last name
Who are you, where are you coming from and where are you going? *
What draws you to, and why did you choose, Crypto Art? *
What makes you unique as an artist? *
We believe in the perpetuating function of the blockchain, just like art. Your work as an artist becomes your legacy, your 'gold dust'. And as a digital Mint Gold Dust artist, you also receive recognition and royalties in the secondary market for the gold dust you leave behind. What does it mean for YOU to mint gold dust? Why do you want to be part of MGD adventure?  *
We believe in the collaboration between diverse areas of expertise, disciplines, and artistic roles. In order to learn and grow together, while contributing to the expansion of the digital art space, we ask you to connect us with your collectors. Who are you most collected by? Would they be happy to join us in this journey? *
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