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San Antonio/Bexar County Housing Stability Community Feedback Form
Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) San Antonio contracted with consultants at Homebase between November 2021 and April 2022 to conduct an evaluation of the City of San Antonio's eviction prevention program which leaned upon input from a wide array of stakeholders to assess current efforts to prevention eviction and homelessness. The complete evaluation and final set of recommendations and associated action steps can be found here:

During the crisis, the City and County received one-time funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) (among other initiatives) to offer resources and services to community members impacted by COVID. Two years later, the unprecedented influx of resources is coming to an end, but San Antonio residents continue to be at risk of housing instability and homelessness. Without the ongoing financial resources, the City and County must determine how to continue to meet the needs of individuals and households still at risk.   

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Please rate each of the following areas of opportunity in terms of level of urgency and potential for impact in strengthening local efforts to prevent housing loss. *
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Expand coordination efforts to focus on holistic client-centered service delivery
Establish common data collection, analysis, and evaluation practices amongst all agencies working on homelessness prevention and eviction prevention
Impose eligibility and targeted prioritization standards for more effective use of resources
Develop protocols and standards applied uniformly across all precincts of the justice of peace courts handling evictions
Improve engagement with tenants and landlords.
Identify and pursue new funding opportunities
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