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Canopy Course - Registration Form

Canopy Course (min 2 candidates).  Course fees are per person and include 1 day + 1 weather day.  If this is your first canopy course then we will also ensure to meet the B license canopy proficiency card requirements.

All of our courses are focused around building knowledge and safety during canopy flight.

Instructors will review your current descent and landing procedures and work with you to strengthen the weaker areas. We will introduce you to new concepts and provide you with specialized drills for you to practice, video your landings, and explain how to improve your overall canopy performance.

You will need to purchase (5) hop n pop jump tickets

SKYDIVE PERRIS: or CALL 951.657.1664

SKYDIVE CHICAGO: or CALL  815.433.0000


Course fee is $350, 1 day

There is a $200 non-refundable deposit required to reserve a slot in the course. The deposit goes towards course fees and can be paid via Zelle or Venmo.

*Course fees for 1 on 1 is $850 and is based on availability.  Travel fees are either paid for by the dropzone or split between the candidates. A $50 discount is applied when signing up for multiple course

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Full Name *
Facebook or Instagram alias if different from above
Email *
Phone Number *
Home Dropzone(s)
Number of Jumps *
USPA Member or License number
Years in Sport *
How did you learn about this course
Choose the Coach Course you wish to attend *
We occasionally post pictures from our courses on our social media, do we have your permission to share pictures that you are in?
Please send a non-refundable $200 deposit via Vemno @Angie-Aragon-1
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