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VRA Awards Scouting 2024
Has someone or something positively impacted your work in the field of visual resources and image management? We would love to celebrate their achievements!

The VRA Awards Committee is scouting for potential nominators and nominees for awards to be given at the 2024 Annual Conference.

THIS IS NOT A NOMINATION! Instead, it is a chance to share ideas before the nomination process begins.
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About Applying and Next Steps
The Visual Resources Association offers two yearly awards and occasional special awards for outstanding projects and lifetime achievement in the field of Visual Resources.

Nominations are compiled in the form of a nomination dossier, consisting of a cover letter from the nominator(s) describing how the nominee meets the criteria, the candidate’s curriculum vitae, and supporting letters and documentation. Nominations must be initiated by VRA members, but the nominees need not be members of VRA. Self-nominations are not currently accepted.

The Awards Committee will follow up via email and provide assistance with any potential full nomination. For more information about the VRA Awards Committee, visit or e-mail 
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