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Meet the Moment - Let's Connect
A liberal arts education is more relevant now than ever before in preparing the next generation of leaders to address global issues--and there are so many to get involved. How will you help LSA meet the moment?
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COLLEGE CONNECTIONS - We've enlisted recent liberal arts graduates to travel around the country to interview alumni about their LSA experiences.
SUPPORT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH - Foster the next generation of leaders through transformational giving to programs, scholarships, and faculty research.
MENTOR LSA STUDENTS - Students are looking for professional guidance from alums as they navigate their own professional paths.
JOIN THE YAC - Members of the LSA Young Alumni Council (YAC) are college ambassadors and help support the LSA mission
SHARE YOUR MTM STORY - LSA alumni, faculty, and students are already meeting the moment and changing the world. Tell us how you're tackling the world's most daunting problems, and we might be in touch to share your story with others.
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