Accessible Yoga Scholarship Application
Welcome to Accessible Yoga!

We are excited that you want to join us for the Accessible Yoga Conference in New York City, October 11-13, 2019. We are currently accepting applications for full and partial scholarships. After completing and submitting this application and scholarships are awarded, you will be contacted by a member of our Scholarship Team.

We look forward to reviewing your application!!

The Accessible Yoga Scholarship Team
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
Spiritual Name
Email Agreement *
By submitting your application, you authorize Accessible Yoga to contact you by email for Accessible Yoga purposes only.  Your information will not be shared or used for other purposes.  Please click the below box that you understand and agree to these terms.
Phone Number *
Please add country code if outside the United States
Address *
Additional Address
City *
State *
Zipcode *
Country *
Facebook Page
Twitter Name
Instagram Name
If you are representing an organization/business describe it below.
Do you have a disability or chronic illness? *
Are you currently a yoga teacher? *
If you answered yes to the above question, how long have you been teaching and what populations do you serve? *
Describe your yoga background. *
What is your annual gross income as reported on your most recent tax return? *
Please include currency description (i.e. Euros)  if your income is not in US dollars.
What is your family size? *
What amount of support are you requesting? *
Describe why you are requesting a scholarship. *
How will attending the Accessible Yoga Conference benefit you and your community? *
Have you received any previous scholarships from our organization?  If so, please list the event location and date. *
Are you currently an active Accessible Yoga volunteer? *
If you answered yes to the previous question, please list your team and group leader name.
If you are not already a volunteer, would you like information on how you can become involved?
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If yes, what work and skills would you like to offer?
Accessible Yoga Scholarship Terms and Agreements:
I will provide my own transportation and lodging for the Accessible Yoga Conference. *
I will register (online) to attend the Accessible Yoga Conference within a week of notification of Scholarship Award. *
I will register (online) for the sessions I will be attending at the Accessible Yoga Conference with as soon as I receive the email notification that the registration is open. *
I will volunteer for a task at the Accessible Yoga Conference. (Tasks are approximately 1-2 hours, assignment details will be sent as conference date approaches.) *
I will be an "Ambassador" and spread the word about Accessible Yoga!  To learn about becoming an official Accessible Yoga Ambassador, please visit our website. *
Photo Release: I grant Accessible Yoga, and it's representatives, the right to take photographs, video, and recordings of me and my property, and to utilize any images that I provide. I authorize Accessible Yoga, its assignees and transferees, to copyright, use, and publish the same in print and/or electronically. *
e-signature and date *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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