2016 Headline Awards Voting Form
You can pick up to 3 works per category. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded. You can pick only 1 or 2 works if you like. It's not necessary to vote in every category.
Authors can not vote for themselves.
Voting ends Feb. 18th at midnight PST.
If you have any questions or problems don't hesitate to contact us at headlineawards@gmail.com.
Find links to read and view all the nominations here: http://headlineawards.tumblr.com/post/137730664177
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If you change your mind, you can vote several times using the same email and change your options, but every new time voting for the same category obliterates your previous votes in it.
The Head-Case of the Year Award
For special service to the Anthony Head Fandom over the past year.
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Head-space of the Year Award
This voted award is for communities or archives focused on Tony and his characters. These are places where fans can gather, interact, and/or share their work.
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The Under My Skin Award (Fan Favorite Video)
You can pick up to 3 videos. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded.
The Angels in Many Guises Award (Fan Favorite Graphics)
You can pick up to 3 artworks. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded.
The You Were the One I Loved Award (Fan Favorite Giles Story)
You can pick up to 3 stories. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded.
The Camelot's Choice Award (Fan Favorite Uther story)
You can pick up to 3 stories. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded.
The May the Best Man Win Award (Fan Favorite Other Character story)
You can pick up to 3 stories. If you check more than 3 options, your vote in the category will be discarded.
Did we forget to include a voting option?
Please, state it here in the following format: title of the voting category/title and author of the work.
Thank you for Voting!
Any suggestions on how we might improve next year?
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