Share your feedback on Citizen Matters
Before we move on to the next financial year, we would like to know what you think of our work. Do the stories that we publish matter to you? Which are the areas where you'd like us to improve?

Please take our survey.This shouldn't take you more than a minute!

Thank you.
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1) On a scale of 1 to 10, rate the content on Citizen Matters. *
Very poor
2) Are you involved in civic issues? *
3) Would you like to get complete stories in your inbox? *
4) Which of the following do you like about Citizen Matters? *
5) Tell us what you don't like about Citizen Matters.
6) If you want to tell us some ideas/topics for us to cover OR would like to join a WhatsApp group to discuss story ideas, share your contact details (name, phone no and/or Email ID).
Get in touch
If you'd like to share more detailed feedback with us or want to reach out to us, you can drop us a mail on  
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