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5Ways Saturday Soccer School Booking Form
Our next available taster session slots will be on September 14th 2024.. If you wish to register your interest for a taster session please complete the form and we will be in touch to confirm asap. 

If you have any queries in the meantime - please email

Event: Saturday Soccer School
Event Dates: All course dates are available here 
Event Address: Varndean College, Surrenden Road, Brighton, BN1 6WQ

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Email *
Child's Name + Surname *
Child's Date Of Birth *
Child's School Year upon return to school in September 2024? (please note, children must have turned 4-years-old to start our coaching sessions) *
What School Does Your Child attend? *
Does Your Child have any medical conditions we should be aware of that are relevant to their participation in football training sessions?
Parent/Guardian Full Name *
Parent/Guardian's Mobile Number *
Alternate Parent/Guardian Name *
Alternate Parent/Guardian Email *
Alternate Parent/Guardian Tel *
Did your child attend 5Ways Saturday Soccer on our last course? *
What statements best describes your child's previous experience of football? (you can choose multiple options if required) *
TASTER DATE PREFERENCE: What date would you like your child to attend their first session? *please note your selected date cannot be guaranteed - we will be in touch to confirm if it is available. 

If you are a new customer your child's first session will be a taster session that will cost £5 on the day with no commitment to attend the remainder of the course. If your child wants to return after the taster session, the remaining fees for the course will become due at that point.  

*Please await confirmation before attendance: your taster session/course is not confirmed until you have received a confirmation email from us.
Any other notes? (e.g. names of any friends that attend, group requests, etc)
I understand my child will be involved in contact football and accept that this comes with an element of risk.  I accept that 5Ways Soccer shall not be liable for any injuries sustained to my child during the course of football coaching activities. I understand the risks involved and give my permission for my child to participate in 5Ways Soccer sessions. *
I give permission for 5Ways Soccer to contact me via my supplied contact details 

We will never pass your details to third parties and will only contact you with 5Ways Soccer course sign up reminders (Roll Call), payment invoices and occasional club newsletters.  
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