We Support the Brief

Dear Senators and Representatives:

There is a major case in front of the Supreme Court, highlighting concerns about extreme predatory behavior that preys on the most vulnerable people in the world. We ask that you pass legislation to ban this behavior, as other countries have done around the world.

Jubilee USA Network, along with 78 religious and development organizations, have filed with the Supreme Court in the Argentina/NML Capital case. Representing the religious community, they bring the voices of hundreds of millions of people living in extreme poverty to the court room.

We ask you to pass legislation similar to what Jubilee's Amicus calls for: protections for the poor, continuing US bipartisan debt policy began by President George W. Bush and to protect our global economy from extreme predatory behavior. These predatory hedge funds seek to undermine 15 years of US bipartisan debt relief policy. Legitimate Investors on Wall Street, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and most countries around the world, including the United States, are on record against this extreme behavior.

As my representative in Congress, please support legislation to stop this predatory behavior that takes from the poor.

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