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Institute Committee on Art in Public Places (ICAPP) - Application Form      
We invite MIIS students and faculty to join ICAPP as a student representative this academic year. Please complete this form by October 9 to express your interest. ICAPP will contact you by October 16. We are particularly looking for MIIS students who have a passion for art (all forms) and who would like to use art to build community and raise awareness around critical issues. The commitment included attending a monthly meeting and assisting with a student-led or other ICAPP project each semester. This is a wonderful opportunity to contribute to your community, voice your ideas, and enjoy art in its many forms!
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Full Name *
Email *
Affiliation(s) *
If MIIS Student or Alum, Department/Degree Program? *
Why are you interested in becoming involved with CAPP? *
Do you possess a background in art/art history? If so, what is the nature of this experience? *
What is one artwork that you find especially compelling, and why? Please include the title and artist of the work. *
Identify the skills and areas of expertise you would bring to the committee. *
Note: The Arts Committee meets every month: please allow up to one month for us to respond.  
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