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2018 Hispanic Labor Compensation Survey
Thank you for your participation in the first Hispanic labor compensation survey.  All data will be included in the study anonymously.  Farms that participate in this survey will receive a summary of all data collected.  All questions may be directed to Dr. Susan Greenbaum at or call Attica Veterinary Associates at 585-591-2660.

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Email *
Farm Name and Location *
Farm Size (Number of Cows Milked) *
Do  you raise your own replacements or do they go to a heifer grower? *
Starting hourly wage for milkers: *
Starting salary for other non-mechanic Hispanic employees (calf feeders, fresh cow managers, etc): *
Average # of hours worked per week *
Do you provide housing? *
If so, what does that include? *
Do you charge rent for housing? *
Do you have employees sharing rooms? *
Do you allow non-employees such as family or friends to live in the housing provided? *
What is your best estimate for monthly housing costs per employee per month (if you were to rent the house on Craigslist, how much would you charge)? *
Do you provide transportation to go shopping?   *
If you provide transportation for shopping trips, do you charge for these trips and how much?
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Do you give bonuses and raises to Hispanic employees? *
Do skilled Hispanic employees earn more than starting wage?   *
How much does your highest paid Hispanic employee earn? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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