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PEGGY'S 5K RUN/WALK-SAT. May 20, 2023
Fee: $25

*One form must be completed per person in order to participate*

Registration begins at 8:15 am, May 20,2023

Belvidere High School Track - registration closes at 8:55am; The Run/Walk will be on local roads this year.

Race/Walk Start Time: 9:00 am-rain or shine

Checks are made payable to Belvidere High School
and can be mailed to the following address:
C/O Charlie Zetterstrom
Belvidere High School
809 Oxford Street
Belvidere, NJ 07823
You may also pay the day of the race if you wish
Name of Participant *
I am unable to participate but would like to make a donation of: $
I recognize that my participation/the participation of this minor could result in physical injury, death or property damage. These risks may also occur as a consequence of my own actions, inactions or negligence. I understand that these may occur in the presence of another participant.  I understand that there may be various weather conditions, altering the condition of the facilities and grounds. First Aid treatment may be administered at any moment. There may also be other risks that are not foreseeable at this time. With this knowledge, I release and forever discharge the School District (Belvidere) and anyone else involved or participating in the event from liabilities, causes of actions, and lawsuits. *
By typing your name you agree to the above conditions.
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