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Electronic Cigarette Use       (Vaping)                                                       High School Principal Survey                                                                                                                                    
58 responses
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The above are examples of rechargeable, refillable vape pens. These are more traditional and less expensive vaping devices. Approximately how many student tobacco use violations involving vape pens have you had since the beginning of this school year?
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The picture above contains examples of rechargeable, refillable "Mods." These are larger vaping devices, varied in design and they often contain a computerized regulatory component. Mods typically produce a larger aerosol "cloud" than traditional vape pens and are more commonly used for "vape tricks." Approximately how many student tobacco use violations involving mods have you had since the beginning of this school year?
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Vape pens and Mods are used with e-Juice.       E-Juice comes in over 7000 flavors. What flavors of e-juice have you found in your school?
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We've been hearing a lot in the national media about youth using Juul electronic cigarettes in schools. These vaping devices look like USB thumb drives and can be easier to camouflage in schools. They come with cartridges already filled with e-juice and can be recharged from a USB port. Approximately how many student tobacco use violations involving Juuls have you had since the beginning of this school year?
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Disposable Vaping Devices
Above are samples of disposable e-hookahs.  Approximately how many student tobacco use violations involving e-hookahs have you had since the beginning of this school year?
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The images above are samples of cig-a-likes that tend to have the same shape or appearance as combustible cigarettes. Some are disposable, some have rechargeable components with disposable cartridges. Approximately how many student tobacco use violations involving cig-a-likes have you had since the beginning of this school year?
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School Related Electronic Cigarette Incidents
Incidents of student electronic cigarette use seems to have __________________ in our school this year.
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Please estimate the numbers of student electronic cigarette violations you've had so far this school year by grade level.
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Student electronic cigarette use occurs more often _______________________.
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Most student electronic cigarette use in our school involves_______________.
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We have had incidents of electronic cigarette use on school property or at school sponsored events by_________________.
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Approximately how many student TOBACCO violations of any kind have you had at your school since the beginning of this school year?
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Please share any anecdotal information that may be helpful for the OPI or other schools to know about electronic cigarette use in schools.
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My school is a Class ___________ school.
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If you'd like a copy of the results of this survey or more information from the OPI Tobacco Use Prevention Education program, please insert your email address here.
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