Incoming Knowledge Entrance Survey
Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. It is going to be used to determine your incoming (ENTRANCE) vs. your outgoing (EXIT) knowledge of this course's content. Please answer questions according to the knowledge you had coming INTO the course. Thank you.
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Rank your knowledge on using the web tool Weebly coming into this course: *
Rank your knowledge on Google Docs/Drive using the following answers: *
Rank your knowledge on collaboration using Google Docs using the following answers: *
Rank your knowledge on Google Forms using the following answers: *
Please rank your level of comfort in taking an online course on your own (without assistance from an 'in room' instructor). *
Please choose from the following range of WPM (words per minute) score ranges for your CURRENT typing ability. *
In the last six to twelve months, which of the following best describes the web sites you have visited on the World Wide Web? *
Which of the following best describes your ability to 'browse the Web'? *
Which of the following describes your ability in using sites such as Delicious, Moodle, Gmail, Socrative, edmodo, MailChimp and other Web 2.0 tools? *
Please answer the following information regarding your level of knowledge on creating various forms of multimedia presentations. *
How many different types of multimedia productions have you created? *
Please answer the following information regarding your experience in publishing multimedia presentations globally? *
What is your experience in using YouTube? *
What is your experience with creating a Digital Portfolio of yourself to be used for college applications and to produce a web presence? *
Which of the following best describes your experience with 'test prep' type web sites? *
Which of the following describes your expectations of yourself when it comes to learning and school grades? *
What do you feel has been your level of exposure to 'new technologies' such as cloud computing, Google cars, augmented reality, innovative uses for glass in technology, mind reading computers, iPads in education, electronic calendars and other new inventions? *
What is your level of experience with Windows Live Movie Maker? *
What is your level of experience with iMovie? *
What is your level of experience with the app PS Express? *
What is your level of experience with good photography vs. bad pictures? *
How much do you feel that you know about Windows 7 and the Windows environment in general? *
What is your level of experience in using Gmail for school projects and emailing professionals and/or others in the community? *
What is your level of experience with turning in documents electronically for a course? *
What is your level of experience in using MailChimp? *
What is your level of experience in the Mac iOS - OSX Mavericks? *
What is your level of experience with the Ken Burns effect? *
Rate your level of experience in working on multimedia events that make a difference in your community. *
Rate your level of experience in using Prezi. *
Rate your level of experience with using Haiku Deck. *
Rate your level of experience with using music to make an inspirational difference in multimedia productions. *
Rate your level of experience in participating in project based learning (i.e. using projects to assess knowledge in a class instead of a focus on content only). *
What do you know about recording content on a computer screen (screencasting) using QuickTime on the Mac? *
How much do you feel you are aware of the positive uses of social media, digital citizenship and your digital footprint? *
Rate the level of importance you have played and the involvement you have had in helping your school create an exciting and positive learning environment through project based learning. *
No important role in helping the school
Very important role in helping the school
Please enter your School Login Username here (i.e. 15smithj): *
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