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Yes, I register for Tilburg University Chaplaincy's National Park De Hoge Veluwe / Vincent Van Gogh excursion on Saturday 30 September 2023
Register by Monday, 25 September!

On 30 September, Tilburg University Chaplaincy proposes a very beautiful excursion to the Kröller Müller Museum - which has the second largest collection of paintings by Vincent van Gogh - in the midst of National Park De Hoge Veluwe.

We meet at 11 am at the Schaarsbergen entrance of National Park De Hoge Veluwe (address: Koningsweg 17, 6816 TC Schaarsbergen; bus stop: Koningsweg, Schaarsbergen (bus no. 9 from Arnhem railway station brings you there)).

There, for each of us a bike will be ready, with which we will cycle through the beautiful nature of the National Park. After a picnic lunch, we visit the Kröller Müller Museum.

Students (BA / MA): € 15
Others (< 40 years old): € 30
Discount for those who possess a Dutch Museumkaart: € 10 (BA/MA students: € 5)

- Access National Park De Hoge Veluwe and bike rental (we'll ride about 12 km there and 12 km back!)
- Access Kröller Müller Museum
- Lunch (picnic)

The excursion finishes at about 5 pm at the same entrance (Koningsweg 17, 6816 TC Schaarsbergen).

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