VERITAS Workshop Questionnaire
Thank you for signing up to take part in the VERITAS online composer workshop on November 15, 2020 | 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm with Frances Farrell, Marie-Claire Saindon and Carmen Braden

This event is for professional art workers, emerging composers and interested students and is an online only event.
Please take a minute and fill out our questionnaire.

THANK YOU and see you soon!

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First Name *
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To help our composers prepare for a meaningful workshop experience, what words below best describe you? Please check all that apply: *
How did you hear about our events?
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Please note: your registration requires this form be submitted as well as payment made by:
Credit card, PayPal on our website at
or e-transfer to (be sure to include your name)
Thank you
We will be in touch with you closer to the weekend, and look forward to welcoming you. Visit for details about the workshop descriptions and schedule.
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