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Tools & Tiaras Inc. Volunteer Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Tools & Tiaras Inc. We look forward to meeting you.  Please tell us more about your interest and availability by answering the questions below.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Why are you interested in volunteering with Tools & Tiaras?
What skills and/or strengths are you interested in sharing?
How did you hear about us?
Are you a tradeswoman? If so, which trade do you work in?
Since we're working with youth, volunteers for certain events and roles may need background checks.  Are you willing to undergo a background check?
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What times are you interested in volunteering?
Morning (9-12)
Midday (12-3)
Afternoon (3-6)
Evening (6-9)
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Please share anything else you think we should know in the space below.  Thank you!
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