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Digital Exhibit Experience Survey
Please help us assess the various aspects of the Digital Exhibit "Jewish Women in the Century of Change"
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To what extent did you enjoy the exhibit Jewish Women in the Century of Change? *
Not enjoyed
Enjoyed a lot
To what extent do you see the value of digital archives being used for illustrating social change?   *
No value
I see a lot of value
How useful do you find the format used in the Exhibit  (tool, selection of archives, level of interaction, user experience)?
Not useful
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How appealing do you find the format used in the Exhibit  (tool, selection of archives, level of interaction, user experience)?
Not appealing
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Free-text comment on the usability and appeal of the exhibit
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What is your nationality?
Please select one of the following categories that you feel most comfortable with to describe your gender:
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What is your age?
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