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Engaged Scholarship Teaching Grant (ESTG) Application for AY 2024-2025

About the Program 

Swarthmore College defines ESCH-eligible courses as those that:

  • Address a contemporary issue of pressing public concern    
  • Build knowledge about how to ameliorate social problems    

  • Engage with various publics and/or includes a community based learning component

All ESCH-eligible courses are about issues of public concern. The Engaged Scholarship Teaching Grant (ESTG) program seeks to support course components that also allow students to engage with and for the people most impacted by those issues. A few examples: 

  • An engineering course works with grassroots organizers in Chester to develop tools to improve air quality near the Covanta incinerator 
  • A Math/Stat class analyzes real data from a Philadelphia-based nonprofit and shares their findings back to the organization 

  • A course in which students learn side-by-side with currently incarcerated individuals 

  • A course on global conflict and displacement invites someone who has gone through the refugee resettlement process to give a guest lecture 

  • A course collaborates with a local organization, museum, or group to launch a public exhibition 

The ESTG program recognizes that teaching Engaged Scholarship courses often requires extra resources. Engaged Scholarship courses can include the kind of Community-Based Learning (CBL) courses that the Lang Center has historically supported, as well as courses that add experiential or public-facing components to subjects and problems of public interest. The common denominator of ESCH-designated courses tends to be a focus on issues/problems of interest to a community outside of Swarthmore College, along with an attempt to analyze or address those issues with some external community. 


Funding Parameters

We invite applicants from any faculty rank, but ordinarily VAP applicants must have at least one or two years remaining on their contract with the College so that they can teach the course more than once. On a related note, we usually fund courses that the department believes will be taught repeatedly.

Faculty can apply for up to $5,000 a year for courses that require substantial community engagement on the part of students, faculty, or visiting partners, though most awards are less than that so we can award a greater number of courses. Applicants typically request funds for honoraria for community partners or speakers; teaching assistants (TAs); travel; and equipment. We welcome compelling requests that fall outside these parameters, and we will consider requests for additional funding if the Engaged Scholarship components promise exceptional pedagogical and/or community impact.

Faculty are encouraged to set up a meeting with Katie Price ( to discuss any ideas or questions related to the Engaged Scholarship Teaching Grant, particularly if they are first-time applicants or new to engaged scholarship.

Applications for 2024-2025 are due on May 1, 2024. Any/all applications received after this date are considered serendipity requests, which are generally funded at lower amounts and are only available when budget allows.

Email *
Full Name of Faculty Member *
Department *
Rank *
If Visiting, please indicate your year (e.g. "next year will be year two of a three-year, potentially renewable contract").
Course Number *
For example, "ENGL079P." If cross-listed, "ENGL079P/PEAC075." If applying for more than one course, please submit a separate application for each course. 
Course Title *
Please include the full title without abbreviations.  If applying for more than one course, please submit a separate application for each course. 
Which semester will you be teaching the course? *
Please provide the course description here. *
Please describe—in 150-300 words and as clearly as possible—the existing or proposed Engaged Scholarship component of this course. *
Include in your description an explanation of how your course is an example of engaged scholarship. Answers should also address how the engaged component(s) relates to the course overall.
List or briefly describe your anticipated outcomes, including community impacts, engaged assignments, or public products. *
What is the total amount of funds you are requesting? *
Please note that courses funded at the maximum amount of $5,000 tend to have a sustained and substantial engagement with a community.
Please itemize your budget below. *
As you work on your budget, please note our general guidelines regarding honoraria and travel. 

Honoraria Recommendations: 
  • $250 for a class visit (virtual or in person)
  • $500 for engagements that require travel, original/new presentations, a public lecture, or other significant preparation

  • $1000 for a 1-2 day visit

  • $1250+ for deeper engagements (for example, 3-4 class visits that include student mentoring outside of class)

Travel Notes:
  • Public transportation should be used whenever possible to reduce costs and reduce emissions. (Since Fall 2023, students receive free SEPTA passes from the college.)

  • When public transportation is not available, faculty should first consider reserving a Swarthmore College van.

  • If neither public transportation or College vans are viable options, we recommend using a company that rents school busses, such as First Student Charter Bus Rental (855-272-3222). Please get a quote before submitting your budget. 

  • If bringing a guest to campus, consider carbon emissions and the need for in-person as opposed to virtual engagement. 
Food Notes:
  • If traveling with students, they can request a take-out meal from dining services.

  • If other student meals are needed, please budget for no more than $15/pp for breakfast; $25/pp for lunch; and $40/pp for dinner. 
If you receive an ESTG, to what budget should we transfer the funds?  *
Please include the full budget code, including the Fund and Org number.
If available, please email Katie Price (kprice1) a copy of your syllabus and any relevant assignments or community agreements that you would like the committee to consider as part of your application.  *
This can be from a past semester or a draft syllabus for a new course. Sending documents is optional, but it can be helpful in providing the committee with further context.
Acknowledgment of Reporting Requirements *
Is there anything else you would like the committee to know when reviewing your application?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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