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Hop On Down The Bunny Trail!
I have hidden Bunnies, Eggs, & Gnomes (see pictures at bottom of this form) throughout the city, in neighborhoods (See Maps below with highlighted streets where to find items) and inside several random businesses. Enjoy the hunt and may the best scavenger WIN!!!! Find as many as you can; Everyone (kids & adults)
A Prize AND there will be a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd TOP Prizes.
Play as often as you want using SAME EMAIL ADDRESS and I will add up totals! PRIZES AWARDED
OF 4/10/23.
Contest runs March 25th - April 9th 2023
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
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How Many
Did You See/Count? = #
Your answer
How Many
Did you See/Count? #
Your answer
How Many
Did you see/count? #
Your answer
In Neighborhoods: Take a Selfie with any Bunny, Egg, or Gnome and post it on Facebook or Instagram. Tag myself, Yvonne Sucich, for extra points! Selfie posts will be put into drawings for Top 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Prizes.
Parent's Full Name or Adult's Full name who is playing
Your answer
Phone Number (In Case of Last Minute Event Updates or for Prize contact)
Your answer
YOUR Name and Age (This will help determine Prize)
Your answer
Names & Ages of Children In Household (in case more than 1 on same email, keeping it fair)
Your answer
This is my SIGN Located INSIDE Random Businesses
up & Down Foothill Blvd. from Appearson to Osborne (where the Children's Museum is located) and
On Sunland Blvd. From Sunland Park To Wheatland Ave. In Shadow Hills. How many businesses did you see my sign? Answer in next question box below this picture.
In a Business: Take a Selfie with my sign and post it on Facebook or Instagram. Tag the Business your in and myself, Yvonne Sucich, for extra points! Selfie posts will be put into drawings for Gift Certificates from local businesses YOU supported.
How Many Businesses Did you see my
in? #
Name a few businesses or as many as you can remember...
Your answer
If you're comfortable with the Easter Bunny hopping by to leave you or yourr kids a treat for participating, please include your address and look for surprises on your doorstep.
Your answer
How Did You Hear About This Event?
Text Invite
Email Invite
Mailed Invitation
Mailbox Flyer
hidden in the Neighborhood's Front Yards (smaller than shown)
(If there is an Egg with the Bunny those too!)
Gnomes hidden in the Neighborhood's Front Yards (smaller than shown)
(If there is an Egg or Bunny with Gnome count those too!)
Some of the Eggs hidden the Neighborhood's Front Yards (smaller than shown) (If there is a bunny in egg you may count that too)
Bunnies, Eggs, Gnomes
Lake View Terrace Bunny Trail Scavenger Hunt. Front Yards on these streets will have hidden Bunnies, Eggs, & Gnomes. Find as many as you can!
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