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OK Go Sandbox!
We are delighted to hear that educators like you have been using our videos to inspire and teach your students. The videos are the way they are because we ourselves are curious people who love nothing more than figuring things out, solving puzzles, and finding hidden connections -- in short, learning.  So it's a huge thrill to realize that the videos can help others learn, too.  We hope they can both illuminate specific STEAM concepts and reinforce the fundamental idea that learning and curiosity are fun and fulfilling.

We'd love to learn more about how you use the videos, and what we can do to help.  We know that there's a bunch of profanity in some of the behind-the-scenes clips, so no need to mention that.  (When we made them, we weren't thinking of them as classroom tools, sorry).  But, aside from simply bleeping out profanity in the existing ancillary materials, is there other stuff we could provide that would make it easier to connect with your students?  We, and our collaborators from the Playful Learning Lab, look forward to reading your replies.
-OK Go

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