GS-High/Middle School Parent Survey
As a way to help me identify the strenghts and areas for possible improvement for the guidance program here at GS Public School, please provide your feedback on the following questions.
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Do you know the school counselor at your school? *
Have you talked with your teen's school counselor this year? *
Do you know what the duties and resonsibilities are of the school counselor in your school district? *
Are you aware that the school counselor visits each grade 7-12 at least one class period each month for a career development or guidance lesson? *
Do you feel the counselor has been helpful to your teen in exploring and choosing possible career directions? *
Are you aware that your teen's school counselor can assist him/her with a variety of concerns that could impact learning? *
Based on your own experiences working with the school counselor, would you refer another parent to contact the counselor with possible concerns or for assistance? *
Are you aware that the school counselor has a counselor blog to keep parents posted on the guidance/career development programs at your school? *
Are you aware that your school counselor utilizes pinterest to provide useful information & links for parents? *
If all the following were made available, which would you most likely utilize to stay connected and up to date on the guidance program? *
Select all that apply
In regard to the website, what is true of your knowledge of this resource? *
Have you attended a parent night event in the past? *
Example: Preparing for High School (9th grade); Preparing for High School (junior year); Financial Aid Night (grades 11-12)
If you have attended a parent night event, how would you rate the event in regard to how helpful it was?
Not at all helpful
Extremely helpful
Clear selection
How likely are you to attend these, or similar, events in the future? *
Very unlikely
Very likely
Would you be interested in attending events on any of the following topics if they were offered? *
Select all that apply.
How would you rate the school counselor in regard to effectiveness in improving the academic experience(s) of your teen(s)?
This is not a required question. If you do not know, based on a lack of knowledge or experience in working with the counselor, please do not answer this question.
Not at all effective
Extremely effective
Clear selection
How would you rate the school counselor in regard to effectiveness in assisting your teen(s) in their college and career planning?
Not at all effective
Extremely effective
Clear selection
How would you rate the school counselor in regard to effectiveness in meeting your needs and/or inquiries as a parent?
This is not a required question. If you do not know, based on a lack of knowledge or experience in working with the counselor, please do not answer this question.
Not at all effective
Extremely effective
Clear selection
Which of the following do you feel have been beneficial to your teen and/or our student body as a whole? *
Check all that apply
Please provide any additional comments or suggestions about the school counseling program here:
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