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Internetwache CTF 2016 Feedback
This was the first edition of an Internetwache CTF. Please be honest and tell us your opinion.
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Which team were you on? *
How many people were actively participating on your team? *
How many CTFs have you participated in? *
What was your overall impression of the CTF? *
The duration of the CTF was *
How would you rate the overall difficulty of the challenges? *
What was your most favorite challenge(s), and why?
What was your least favorite challenge(s), and why?
Where did you feel stuck or frustrated?
I would like to see more challenges under
In general, I think challenges were
General challenge feedback
How would you rate the communication between the organizers and competitors during the competition?
Twitter, IRC, etc
Clear selection
Would you consider playing in Internetwache CTF next year? *
Final words
Anything you'd like us to know?
Do you agree to be quoted? *
We would like to evaluate and probably write a blogpost about this CTF. If you don't want your text answers to be (partially) quoted, choose 'No'.
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