Weinstein Symposium registration (IHP, 18-20 July, 2013)
Registration deadline: July 1, 2013
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Last Name *
First Name *
Affiliation *
Nationality *
Email address *
Full professional address *
Date of arrival *
Use the format "dd/mm/yyyy". For example: 17/07/2013
Date of departure *
Use the format "dd/mm/yyyy". For example: 21/07/2013
Do you plan to join the reception at IHP in the early evening of Thursday, July 18? *
The reception is hosted and generously supported by Alan and Margo Weinstein
Do you plan to join the workshop banquet in the evening of Friday, July 19? *
The banquet will take place at the restuarant "Les Editeurs" (www.lesediteurs.fr). There will be options for vegetarians.
If yes, how many accompanying persons are you bringing to the workshop banquet?
Leave this blank if you are not bringing any accompanying person
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