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2025 CSA Member Agreement 

Our 2025 CSA Share offers our members all the benefits of our traditional CSA program (pre-packed boxes, farmer chooses the items) with more flexibility, freedom, and choice! GWMG uses a market-style CSA, which means you can shop the same as you do at a grocery store, but because you're a CSA member, you already have an account filled with funds, so you don't have to worry about payment the day of market whatsoever. 

You may wonder why become a CSA member when you could just come to the market and shop without paying the upfront cost at the beginning of the season. Good question! The CSA model, designed by Dr. Booker T. Whatley, was created with strong intention to sustainably support the local farmer via the community. It's a guarantee in this tumultuous industry- agriculture- that a farmer can raise a healthy, vibrant, and efficient farm. As for the CSA member, they receive direct and personal access to the freshest produce, the farm, and the opportunity to know who's growing their seasonal produce.

It's an investment in GWMG, our local food system, and our local environment. What's so special about this investment is that you'll see with your own eyes what you've supported: 7 foot tall tomatoes, blooming marigolds and sunflowers, rows of sweet strawberries, jars of seasonal honey, bunches of just-picked herbs...

Our farmers are stewards of the land. We use regenerative practices that sequester carbon, rebuild soil health, and increase biodiversity. Farming organically and regeneratively requires much careful planning, tons of hard labor, ever-growing skilled knowledge, and a heap of significant financial investment. As a result, our prices reflect the true cost of food that’s grown with regard for the earth, but without the added costs from the middleman. 

Your investment early in the season allows us to:
  • purchase necessary items to kickstart our growing season. Items like seeds, potting soil, tools & equipment, etc.
  • market our products in the early months, so when our growing season arrives we can focus our work on the fields
  • pay our workers a fair, living wage

We offer 2 different share options, to best suit your needs and your household's ability to support our farm. 
  • Cultivator Share $400: considered a smaller sized share for a household with 1-3 people or for folks who are new to incorporating vegetables into their diet
  • Harvest Hero Share $600: *This is equivalent to our former full season 20 week program* considered a larger share size for households with 4 or more people

*If you are interested in a Solidarity Share (subsidized share), please check our website for a link to our application form*

If you have further questions, contact us by phone at (717) 585-4750 or by email

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Email *
In the form below, please enter your contact information, desired share size, and "sign" by confirming that you understand the terms of agreement.
Your Contact Info
In the space provided below, please provide Name, Email, and Phone Number for each member.
Primary Household/Member Name *
Primary Household/Member Email *
Primary Household/Member Phone Number *
Secondary Household/Member Contact Info
We suggest adding a secondary member of your household to this form so that they can also be informed of any updates throughout the season, especially if you need help picking up your share sometimes. 

Additionally, you may be splitting a share with someone outside of your household*, which is a reasonable option for someone in a single person household. With their consent, provide this person's contact information so that everyone is up to date! 

*If you are splitting a share with someone outside of your household, both of you are responsible for coordinating pick-ups and managing your account balance, not the farmers.
Secondary Household/Member Name
Secondary Household/Member Email
Secondary Household/Member Phone Number
Please select your desired share size & level of support: *
Payments, Refunds and Cancellations
Payments: We appreciate your prompt payment, in full. If there are circumstances that prevent you from paying your full balance, please contact us to discuss a plan. 

Cancellation Policy: When you decide to become a CSA member, you are making a commitment to our farm. Because we really count on that commitment, there are no refunds, full or partial. If needed, you may find someone to transfer your membership to, but payment and coordination would be your sole responsibility. If something unexpected happens, you’re always welcome to reach out to us, and we’ll help if we can.
Please "sign" the member commitment by reading the following and selecting "I Agree".

As a member of the Groundwork Market Garden CSA program, I understand that: 
(1) I will have a farm credit that can be used at the farm stand from June-October. I understand that I am able to use that credit as I choose. I understand that if I do not use the full amount, it does not roll over into the following year, but will be used to assist other members of the community who may need it.
(2) There is no option for additional farm store days/times and that Groundwork Market Garden cannot accommodate special requests. 
(3) There is a policy of no refunds or cancellations and when I sign up, I am making a commitment to the farm.
(4) That any pertinent information regarding my share will be primarily communicated through email and it is my shared responsibility to stay informed.
Congratulations! You've made it through the Member Agreement process.
To finalize your membership, please remit payment in full through one of the following options:

  1. Mail us cash or check- *our preferred method*
  2. Pay through the Venmo App - username is gwmgbflo
  3. Pay with a credit card through our online store.  

Cash or checks made out to Groundwork Market Garden can be mailed to:
22 Mariner Street
Buffalo, NY 14201

Thank you very much for joining us this season! We look forward to feeding you!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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