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Lore and Lunch Sign-up Form
Thank you for your interest in Lore and Lunch, the regular online reading group of the Contemporary Folklore Research Centre! We are asking those interested in joining us to register their interest and to respond to a couple of questions about themselves. After signing up, you'll be added to our reading group mailing list to receives emails and invitations to our group meetings. If you have any questions about this form, please contact or Cath Bannister 
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What is your name? *
What is your preferred email address? *
I confirm that I would like to be added to the Lore and Lunch mailing list 
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Are you currently a member of the Contemporary Folklore Research Centre? *
How did you hear about Lore and Lunch?
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Are there any aspects of Folklore that particularly interest you, or that you'd like to read more about? 
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