Sign Assemblyman Nojay’s Petition to Repeal Cuomo’s Gun Laws!
Protect your Second Amendment rights as a law-abiding citizen and let Governor Cuomo and downstate politicians know that our rights are not to be trampled on!

It has been over a year since the Cuomo gun laws were forced through the legislature under the cover of darkness and without public input. Since then, multiple rallies have been held at the capitol, with the largest of these reportedly drawing about 10,000 people. The vast majority of counties in Upstate New York have passed resolutions against the Cuomo gun laws, and many county clerks, sheriffs, and police departments have come out in opposition as well.

The Cuomo gun laws belong in the dust heap of history, and Assemblyman Bill Nojay is sponsoring legislation to repeal it. Bill’s legislation eliminates every provision that infringes on Second Amendment rights, but leaves intact the portion of the law that mandates life imprisonment for people who murder emergency personnel, since this is the one part of the law that will actually deter criminals.

The key to creating safer communities is punishing criminals instead of law-abiding citizens. If you agree with Bill, sign this petition and tell Gov. Cuomo, “Repeal the SAFE Act, punish violent criminals and leave law-abiding citizens alone!
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