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 Teaching to Transgress Summer Institute SUNY New Paltz Interest Survey
This summer Dr. Robyn Sheridan and Dr. Asilia Franklin-Phipps want to invite you to a short summer intensive around critical issues in education. Through reflection, art, music, and discussion we would like to collaborate and create space to inquire and consider urgent issues impacting education. In our work together we will explore what it means to teach and become teachers in our current times. Other topics will include: cultural, social, and political issues in education and implications on teaching and learning in and around schools. If you are interested, please take the following brief survey.

Please email us at and us if any of you have any questions or concerns
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Level at SUNY New Paltz 
Are you currently working in a school or classroom? 
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Are you available the following weekends (check as many as apply) 
Do you require housing to participate in person? 
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Do you require childcare to participate in person? 
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What are some topics you are interested in exploring further? 
Do you have any other questions or concerns? 
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