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AABB Author Sign-Up Form

Hello! We're Authors Against Book Bans, a group of authors who’ve come together to protect and promote the freedom to read on both the national and local levels. We’re creating a network of authors to work in conjunction with a variety of national organizations and grass roots, state-level freedom-to-read organizations to mount effective, coordinated responses to book bans and other threats to the freedom to read.

Join us!

It's best to use an email address that has a Google account so you can be included in the Google group for your state to learn of actions you can take against book bans at the local level.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your name *
Your professional website *
Which best describes your creative profession (select all that apply) *
What books are you best known for? *
Who are your books published by? *
What age levels are your books (select all that apply) *
What category do you write in (select all that apply) *
What city do you live in? *
What state do you live in? *
Please list any other states whose chapters you would like to join.
Please share your social media handles. *
We’re excited to have you as part of the AABB community, and we’re always on the lookout for more volunteers to help with our grassroots work. Are you interested in volunteering your time to help keep us in the fight? *
Thanks! Click the “Submit” button below to join Authors Against Book Bans.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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