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Add a missing library to the DMMapp!
The DMMapp is a crowdsourced project. Most of the links that you find in the map have been added by users, just like you! If you are aware of a library that has not been inserted in the DMMapp, please fill this form, and we will add it presently to the database.
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What is the name of the institution you would like to add? *
Please tell us the name in the original language.
In which city can you find the institution? *
Rome? London?
In which country is the institution? *
Germany? France? USA? Be warned: Holy Roman Empire is not a valid answer.
Where are the digitized manuscripts? Please enter the web-address. *
Please make sure to add http://, or https:// at the beginning of the address.
How many digitized manuscripts are there in the repository? *
Please select the answer you find to be the most appropriate.
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