Document Understanding AI - Documentation
Thanks for your interest in Google Cloud Document Understanding AI.

Please complete and submit this form to see more information about Document Understanding AI beta.  Please see form confirmation message for links to relevant documentations.

Note:  Information submitted via this form may be shared with third parties related to Document Understanding AI and/or used for internal market research purposes.

登入 Google 即可儲存進度。瞭解詳情
電子郵件 *
Business email address (required, if different from above)
First name *
Last name *
Company name *
Job title
Location (City, Country) *
Please provide a short description of your Document Understanding use case (e.g. classify documents, extract phrases from contracts). Include volume and language(s) of documents and any other relevant information. *
Which of the following data formats apply to your use-case?
Are you open to working with partners to implement this solution? (You can view and contact our current partners at https://cloud.google.com/document-understanding/docs/partners)
Google Cloud point of contact email address
If you have worked with someone in Google Cloud, such as a sales representative, please provide his/her email address.
Anything else you'd like us to know?
By checking the box below you understand that you are consenting to receiving emails from Google or our partners regarding Document Understanding AI. *
請勿利用 Google 表單送出密碼。
這份表單是在 Google.com 中建立。 隱私權與條款