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Rwanda "ICT Essentials for Teachers Course" Post Course Survey (Final Skill Survey)
Final Skill Survey
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1. On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is no ability' and 5 is "Master practitioner') rate your proficiency at the following skills. I can design lessons that actualise the vision of the nation's ICT in Education Policies *
2. I Can identify all the following items; Keyboards, Monitors, Power Switches, Power Cables, Printers, Network cables, Wireless Network, Headphones *
3. I Can Carry out basic safety precautions where there are Laptops and PCs *
4. I can diagnose common PC and Laptops problems at my school *
5. I can access a search engine and conduct an internet search *
6. I can protect myself and my learners from internet hazards *
7. I can perform the following basic edits, bold, italics and underline and spell and grammar checks *
8. I can perform the following formatting: change font size and type, adjust margins, justify and indent text *
9. I can insert images and tables into the document *
10. I can compose, send, forward, reply, attach documents and delete e-mail messages and create group emails *
11. I can incorporate social media and e-mail in a lessons to improve students collaboration *
12. I can create a formula/function to find the SUM, AVG or Percentage of a column/row of figures in a spreadsheet *
13. I can design a set of learning activities that use the project based learning (PBL) and ICT in my lessons *
14. I can advise on different layouts for a school computer laboratories and smart classrooms *
15. I can create a basic representation and use it to teach a section of the curriculum *
16. I can  task students to use presentation software as part of the lesson *
17. I can conduct an internet search for digital tools and other open educational resources to support the new competence based curriculum *
18. I can evaluate the usefulness of web based resources *
19. I can use ICT to support testing *
20. I can identify online professional development opportunities to improve my teaching and learning skills *
21 I Can task students to use Presentation software as part of the lesson *
Address (Names, SchoolNames, Province, and Email) *
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