Woodbridge Interns Survey (2015)
Please answer each question carefully, giving as much information as would be helpful to Amy.
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My biggest classroom management challenges right now are... *
(List any and all)
Regarding management, I feel I am very successful regarding... *
(Again, list any and all)
Management topics I would like to cover in seminar before the end of the year: *
Managing homework, field trip behavior, tattling, etc.
Language Arts topics I'd like to cover before the end of the year include:
Conferring in reading or writing, Daily 5, nonfiction literacy, book selection, fluency, etc.
Other Content topics I'd like to cover before the end of the year include:
Math, Science, Social Studies, etc.
(Pretty much anything you'd like to cover! We WILL have a seminar session on looking for a job and interviewing.)
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