Volunteer Registration at SabkaGhar
Volunteering Duration - 1 month; Batch starts - 1st day of every month; Eligibility - 18 years of age (on the date of batch starting);  Batch size : Max 10; Volunteering Fee - NIL; Stipend -NIL, Boarding and Lodging - Free.

Details and Guidelines for Volunteering :

View daily activities during the month click below :-
Location of Sabka Ghar - https://www.google.co.in/maps/place/Sabka+Ghar/@30.2142026,78.2419893,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x3909231cdd6dd3bd:0xd5932f5fd7819b5   
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E-mail Address *
First Name *
Last Name
Date of Birth *
Present Nationality *
Country of residence *
You are *
Please specify about your employment details
Disability *
Areas of expertise *
Highest Educational Qualification *
Skype Id
Personal Webpage (blog , linkedin, facebook page etc.)
This will help us learn about your inclinations/ commitments
Languages Proficiency *
Mobile Phone *
please include country code
Gender *
Marital Status *
Is your spouse/ partner applying for volunteering in the same Batch?
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Name of the spouse/ partner if applying for the same batch
Have you carefully studied the Following ? *
would you like to Volunteer for 1 month or for a differently specified period ? *
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