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GeekGirlCon '23 - Agent Shift Selection
Welcome Agents! Please use this form to select your preferred shifts for GeekGirlCon '23 on October 7th & 8th.

Please submit one form only.

We will do our best to assign you to one of your top three choices, however some departments have limited space and others need a lot of extra help. 
Check out descriptions for different Agent roles in the document shared in the email.

Note: We will be using your preferred name as represented on your application/Roll Call.

*The schedule will not be posted until Tuesday October 3rd at the earliest. Please stay tuned for any schedule updates after its original posting.

****A normal shift is 4-5 hours, you will get breaks during your shifts. Remember Agents are expected to work a shift each day*****  

Email *
Full Name *
Preferred Name (Should match your application/Roll Call)
When are you available to work each day of GeekGirlCon? *
Please check all that apply. You will not be scheduled to work all shifts. Note: Times listed below are estimates.
Can you help with set up or tear down?
These shifts aren't required, but we need LOTS of help.
First Choice *
Unsure what these areas include? Check out the descriptions in the PDF in the email!
Second Choice *
Unsure what these areas include?  Check out the descriptions in the PDF in the email!
Third Choice *
Unsure what these areas include?  Check out the descriptions in the PDF in the email!
Is there anything that may affect your ability to do certain jobs?
Injuries, can't lift heavy things, need to be sitting, etc.
Are you hoping to be scheduled with someone?
Please list names and whether you need same times or same department. Disclaimer: we may not be able to accommodate your requests, but we'll try our best!
What are your top stats?
Mine are Strength and Charisma.
Do you have any comments or concerns about your shift selection?
Would you be interested in working an extra hour in Introvert Alley? *
Introvert Alley is a quiet room where attendees can go to relax and recuperate from the craziness of the convention. They can read, sit quietly, and even take naps. Due to the quiet nature of the room, we are asking Agents to be posted in Introvert Alley for an extra 2-hour shift throughout the day. This 2-hour shift would be in addition to your regular shift.  Working in this area is a great way to get some relaxation in while supporting the Con and its guests. You are welcome to bring reading materials or quiet things to work on while scheduled here. Please do not nap while on duty.
Would you be interested in working for Registration on Friday October 5th? *
Do you have any formal training that may be useful in the role as a reaction team member?  (Ex:  Green Dot trained, Medical Training, Counseling, LEO interaction training, etc)
For Reaction Team consideration only
Would you be interested in being a Special Agent (SA)? *
Special Agents help lead different areas of the convention. This position holds more responsibility, and generally work longer hours. We are adding more Special Agents (aka shift leads) as to reduce long working hours of SAs in some departments. If you like being a leader, consider being a Special Agent!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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