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Popcult Anime Con 2020 Digital Deal or No Deal!
If you are interested in being selected as a participant for the digital Deal or No Deal digital event for Popcult to be held on August 16th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm, please fill out the information below. Prior to the event, you will receive an email with all information or the day of the event.
We hope to see you then!
Email *
Name *
Name you would like to be called during the gameshow
Age *
Email *
Are you over the age of 18? *
If you answered no to the above question and are 16/17, do you understand that the event will be live streamed and that you have received the consent to participate from a parent or guardian?
Do you understand that if you are selected as a potential contestant, that you must be on the stream on August 16th prior to 12:00pm? *
Do you understand that this is a PG event and that any actions deemed inappropriate on the stream will result in an automatic ban?
I have read this form and I have answered it to the best of my abilities. *
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