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Therianthropy and Gender Experience
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General Questions
1. What is your age category
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2. Are you:
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3. Are you:
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4. Specifically, What are you?
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Psychological VS spiritual therianthropy: EXPLANATION
5. Are you a psychological or spiritual therian
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6. Time spent 'awakened' or known to be a therian
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7. Explain your experience/identity as a therian (briefly) like cause, theriotype, shifts? (DO NOT focus on gender yet)
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"Can a Theriotype have an own gender?"
Can an animal have a gender?
8. Does one or more of your theriotypes have an own gender? (ex: male in gender experience through behaviour)
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9. Does one or more of your theriotypes have an own physical sex? (ex: male through physical attributes such as antlers)
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10. Are the above gender-related experiences or attributes determinded through:
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10.2. If none of the above, explain further
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11. If you are a polytherian, do all your theriotypes have their own gender/physical sex or only one or a few?
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12. In case your theriotype has a gender/physical sex, is it because of:
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12.2. In case of 'none of the above', explain further here
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"Can a theriotypes gender experience directly influence your human experience?"
13. Is your theriotypes gender different from your human one? (ex: male wolf, female human)
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14. Is your theriotypes gender different from your physical human body (ex: female wolf, physical male human)
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15. In what way does this influence your human gender?
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15.2. If 'none of the above' or you wish to elaborate, explain further
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16. Theory: Your general gender/human gender influences how you perceive your theriotypes gender instead of the other way around
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Theriotypes and Dysphoria
Explanation: Species Dysphoria
17. Do you experience Species Dysphoria?
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17.2. Is this species dysphoria caused by the theriotypes  gender/physical attributes related to sex?
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18. Do you experience Gender Dysphoria as a human being, due your theriotypes gender/physical attributes related to sex?
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The otherway around: "can ones general dysphoria influence ones therianthropic experiences?"
19. Does general (gender) dysphoria influence your theriotype or perspective of theriotype?
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19.2 How does your theriotype (or pespective of it) change? (ex: physical attributes in theriotype become more prominent in dreams or shifts or you can Only imagine being male if you imagine being your theriotype )
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20. Does general (gender) dysphoria influence your therianthropic shifts?
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20.2. If none of the above, explain further
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Theriotypes and sexual orientation
21. In case your theriotype has a gender experience tied to it in any way we previously saw, does it influence who you are attracted to?
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22. In case there wasn't a gender experience: does your theriotype still influence who you are attracted to (ex: the probability of some animal species to have intercourse or fall in love with the same gender is higher than in others, perhaps that's why you're gay?)
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23. Does your theriotype create an attraction to its species (romantical or sexual wise)
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Thank you for your time
24. Is there anything else important, related to the research, I should know?
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25. Is there anything else you'd like to say?
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