CPD for teachers of key stage 3 and 4 mathematics
Details of these courses can be found at mei.org.uk/fresh. This form is for individual teachers wanting to join in with FRESH PD at another school. For schools interested in hosting a FRESH title at their own school, please contact Debbie Barker debbie.barker@mei.org.uk 
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First name *
So that we can allocate you a place and send you information about the course...
Last name *
Email address *
We suggest that you provide us with a personal email address, as employer servers sometimes block emails, remove attachments or change and become obsolete.
Name of school, college or place of teaching
Address of school, college or place of teaching
Post code of above
Home address
If you are not providing details of your place of employment, please provide a home address and telephone number below. We will only use these if we need to get in touch with you for an important reason.
Personal telephone number
Dietary restrictions or requests
We like to keep your brain and body fuelled for doing mathematics!
Course you are applying for and payment options
Please choose the title and venue. *
Who will be paying the course fees? *
If required, please provide a purchase order number
Now tell us a bit about yourself and what you are looking for from this professional development
Wherever possible we like to make our courses best suit the requirements of the people actually attending. Would you briefly describe your level of mathematics, confidence with mathematics, teaching background and current mathematics teaching commitment?
Finally, but importantly...
What is your main, single motivation for signing up to this course? *
Terms and conditions *
Please confirm that you accept all terms and conditions as at http://www.mei.org.uk/terms-cpd
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We store any information you knowingly provide to us. By registering your interest with MEI, and thereby giving your consent, you may be contacted with relevant newsletters, information, promotions or offers that you have expressed an interest in or that might be of interest to you.

We will never sell your Personal Information and will never share your Personal Information with any third parties. We may use your Personal Information to contact you about our communications service, to personalise and improve this service, and to analyse how users utilise this service.

We will always comply with any data protection legislation currently in force.
What next?
After submitting your registration form you should hear from us within three working days. If you do not, please get in touch with cpd@mei.org.uk to confirm that your place has been secured.
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