Educators Against Intolerance - Open Letter
In light of recent events there is a heightened sense of intolerance in the US, especially towards Arab and Muslim Americans. A few faculty members from Harvard, MIT and Princeton have helped draft the letter below that speaks out against such intolerance and discrimination.

This letter is being circulated to solicit signatures from other educators who share these concerns. Within the first week of circulation we received more than 4,000 signatures, representing over 350 different academic institutions and spanning at least 60 different disciplines. Given this overwhelming support, we are continuing the sign-up process through the holidays. We are also concurrently pursuing media outlets that may be interesting in covering this.

If you would like to express your support as an educator, please fill out the fields below the letter (type in where it says "Your Answer") and click submit. By doing so you give permission to have your name be listed as an signatory to this open letter. Your email address will be kept confidential.

If you would like to see the current signatories, please visit: 

If you have any questions, please contact the organizers of this letter at

UPDATE (1/13/2016): The letter was recently posted to Nicholas Kristof's New York Times blog:
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Educators Against Intolerance - An Open letter
Recent events have, once again, brutally violated the nation’s sense of security. Many citizens believe that another terrorist attack is as likely today as it was in the days following 9/11.¹ Almost half worry that they or someone in their family will be a victim of terrorism.²

But this fear can also disconnect us from reason and have devastating consequences. The reduction in immigrants’ rights codified by the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, the restrictions on free speech established by the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-18, and the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII were all policies born from fear, and all resound throughout history as stark contradictions to American values.

We are concerned that we could head down a similarly dark path today. Hours after the San Bernardino massacre on Dec. 2, 2015, the top Google search in California using the word “Muslims” was “kill Muslims”.³ Public personalities have openly called for barring Muslims from entering the US⁴ and have not ruled out building databases⁵ to track American Muslims.

While denounced by the majority, such rhetoric normalizes intolerance. It permits actions with undesirable and unintended consequences. The visa waiver bill, voted through by over 90% of the House on Dec. 8 2015, is one such example.⁶ Under this bill, specific individuals from the 38 countries eligible for a visa waiver would be barred from using it. Those newly excluded would include British citizens of Iranian descent, as well as Germans who volunteered for relief work in Syria. As such legislation is often reciprocated by other nations, it may well relegate American Arabs and Muslims to second-class citizen status and deter all Americans from traveling to places where our help is critical.

Broad-brush, discriminatory and highly visible measures targeting Arab and Muslim populations are likely to create division, not heal it – playing right into the extremists' hands. Making it harder for individuals to travel hurts the very exchange of ideas that fosters tolerance in our society and allows our universities to become world leaders in producing knowledge and promoting free speech and rational discourse.

Our universities indeed exemplify how we thrive by enabling people from different cultures, religions, political values and priorities to cohabit and work together productively. As we interact with our students, fellow educators, and policy makers, we are constantly reminded of how important this diverse and open exchange is, and the critical part it plays in informing the fabric of our values.  As we see signs of fear clouding our judgment, we are compelled to speak out in defense of tolerance, rational discourse, and basic human values.

We therefore categorically reject all forms of intolerance and any discriminatory treatment of Arab and Muslim Americans and other minority groups. We call upon each other and upon our leaders to do the same.

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