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The Pura Vida Retreat Application Form
Enter your responses below and we'll be in touch soon!
(All Inclusive - different payment plans available.
Pay in Full: $3599)
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* Indicates required question
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
Best Email
Your answer
Phone Number with Country Code
Your answer
Are you planning to join this retreat with a partner or friend?
(if so please add their name below)
Your answer
Do you have any experience with yoga?
(if yes, let us know if you’re more of a beginner or experienced)
Yes - Beginner
Yes - Intermediate to Advanced
Do you have any injuries or contraindications for yoga that we should know about? (James can do a special training before classes to teach you how to modify your practice)
Your answer
Have you ever ridden a horse?
(if yes, let us know if you’re a beginner, pretty comfortable or an advanced rider)
Yes - Beginner
Yes - Pretty Comfortable
Yes - Advanced Rider
What is currently filling your time and lighting you up? In other words, what do you currently do for work and play? How do you love to use your unique gifts to contribute to the world?
Your answer
What is your big dream over the next year? This can be personal or professional.
Your answer
What is the biggest challenge you are facing (or anticipate having) as you move toward your big dream?
Your answer
Tell us about why you are choosing this retreat and why it’s a yes for you right now.
Your answer
Is there anything else you would like for us to know?
Your answer
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