Metadata for Smart City dataset catalogue
This survey is oriented to people who are aware of any dataset that could be useful for energy efficiency, smart cities or related domains.

Our final goal is to develop a catalogue in order to provide the energy efficiency and smart cities communities with the most suitable datasets in this area.

The estimated time required to complete the questionnaire is of 25 minutes. Once the form about a dataset is submitted it will be manually assessed and automatically processed. After this, the dataset will be included in the eeDataset Catalogue available at Please note that there is a manual component in the process, therefore the on-line catalogue will not be updated immediately after the submission.

The questionnaire does not include any personal question and the confidentiality of the answers will be preserved. We only ask for an email address just in case you want to obtain information about the results we produce.

This questionnaire is being performed in the context of the READY4SmartCities FP7 project (
If you have any question or comment about the questionnaire contact
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Name *
The name given to the dataset.
Description *
A free-text account of the dataset.
Domains *
The different domains covered by the dataset. If the datset covers more than one domain, please separate them by commas. Example: sensors, persons, buildings.
The version of the dataset.
Creation date
The date of formal issuance of the dataset.
Last update
Most recent date on which the dataset was changed, updated or modified.
Update frequency
The frequency at which the dataset is updated.
Contact person
The person(s) primarily responsible for making the dataset. Please include name and email address of the contact persons whenever possible. If there is more than one contact person, please separate them by commas.
The organization that published the dataset.
The format(s) of the dataset.
The ISO 639-1 code(s) of the language(s) of the resource. If the dataset is implemented in more than one language, please separate them by commas. Example: es, en, (See for a full list of codes).
Is the dataset an outcome of a European project?
If so, please indicate the project name and the website if possible.
Is the dataset available in digital form?
Is the dataset publicly available?
Is the dataset free of charge?
Is the dataset available online?
If the dataset is avaiable online, under which URL?
Is the dataset available in a machine readable format?
Is the dataset available in bulk?
The license of the dataset. Example: CC BY-SA, MIT, etc.
Is the dataset updated?
Further information about the dataset that might be revelant.
Resources that might provide additional information (documents, deliverables, papers, etc.).
Your contact information
You can let us know who you are so that we know to whom to be thankful for the contribution. In addition we might occasionally contact you in case we need any further information about the dataset you submitted (In this case we will need your name and email adress).
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