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Middlebury Library Gift Agreement
Please fill out this form if you would like to donate materials to the Middlebury College Libraries. More information is available in the Middlebury College Library Gift Policy
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Name: *
Contact address (optional):
Please include your address if you would like to receive a written acknowledgement of your donation.
Contact phone (optional):
Brief description of donation: *
(e.g. 3 German books)
Would you like to receive a letter of acknowledgement? (Please note, this is not an appraisal.) *
Any additional information about the proposed donation:
Agreement *
All gifts to the Library are accepted with the understanding that the Library will dispose of anything not needed for the collection. Items that do not fall within the scope of the Library may be sent to other libraries in need or sent to Better World Books, providing revenue for the acquisition of new Library materials. Please see the Middlebury College Library Gift Policy for a full explanation of the Library’s gift policy.
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